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Fete Poster






Donations of cakes, cheese scones and tray bakes for the cake stall and teas would be much appreciated, as would raffle prizes.

Please label the ingredients of your cakes and drop them off at the field on Saturday morning.

Raffle prizes can be dropped off at “Brookfield”, The Street, Bramfield.

Having a clear out? Donations of good books and saleable bric-a-brac to the church near the piano. Children’s toys are games are welcome too.

Want to help run a stall on the day? email Jinnie on jinnie.barham@gmail.com

Any queries please ring or text:

Jane Edwards on 07908 380688 or Joanna Wilkinson on 07986 217868





all welcome!



ST PETER’S CHURCH THORINGTON IP19 9JF - Saturday 7 September 12 noon - 4 p.m.


12:30 p.m.   See Thorington Scroll 1836  on loan from the Bence-Lambert family, and short talk by Mike Gower

2:00 p.m.     Voices Two  with Jennie and Helen sharing a capella songs and Kimberley Moore Singer, songwriter

3:15p.m.  Guided walk Suffolk Wildlife Trust Church Farm reserve from the church


All day: Local art and craft stalls, and  Alfie Carpenter’s Art  exhibition


Children’s nature quiz and fun activities

Explore this Grade 1 listed Church


Home made refreshments available all day



 Any enquiries, please email Trish at: trish@coastal1.plus.com



Picnic Invitation 2 June 2024 


Church coffee morning poster2



easter trail poster comp

Bramfield St Andrews


Sunday 17th December 2023 @ 3pm

Mince Pies & Mulled Wine



Volunteers required to help tidy up the churchyard. Mainly strimming weeds and pruning trees. If anyone is able to help, we would be very grateful. Coffee provided!


Saturday 9th December 10am-12pm





Bramfield Village Hall

7.30 Wednesday 20 December


Circle 67 is proud to present a new adaptation of Charles Dickens' festive favourite.

Ever since it was first published in 1843, Ebenezer Scrooge and his ghostly visitors have captivated and entranced readers and audiences alike. Our version keeps close to the original text, so expect the full complement of ghosts and shadows.


Suitable for all the family.


Tickets: £8 available via our website, Bramfield Garage or on the door.


Please note the date of the Bramfield performance. It will be on Wednesday 20 December,

NOT Tuesday 19 December


Bramfield Village Hall is holding a Christmas Fair on Saturday 2nd December from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in aid of the Village Hall and field.

There will be Pat’s delicious Turkey Rolls, mulled wine and refreshments and various other attractions.

Anyone wishing to have a table at £5 a table is welcome and donations for the raffle, Christmas cakes and tombola would be much appreciated. 

Please ring or text Jane Edwards on 07908 380688.




Please join us for our Harvest Supper in Bramfield Village Hall
Friday 6th October, 6.30 for 7pm
Chilli con carne, non-spicy or vegetarian options with baked potato plus assorted puddings
Bring your own drink - water provided
After the meal we’ll be entertained by our wonderful local trio of Del, Jeremy & Stephen
and there will be a draw
Book in advance, £10 per person, payable on the door, in aid of Bramfield Village Hall / Bridge Meadow
Please email info.bvhall@gmail.com before Tuesday 3rd October the following informaiton:  Name,  Number coming,  No. of vegetarian meals,  Any dietary requirements?
We’d be very grateful for puddings and draw prizes - please contact Marie on 01986 784534







CHURCHES BIKE RIDE (Ride and Stride) 2023


Started in Suffolk 40 years ago the aim of the ride is to raise money to support the fabric of our historic churches. The money does not go to the Church of England.


This year’s ride takes place on Saturday 9 September between 9 and 5; so get that bike out of the shed and pump up the tyres. It doesn’t matter how far you pedal or how many churches you visit - although there are many wonderful churches to visit and explore. It will do you good both physically and mentally.

I have sponsorship forms and lists of the churches that will be open and there are more in the church porch.

Please contact me if you would like more information.

Chris Collins - 01986 784534 chris@chriscollins.co.uk

And a plea from Dawn Munnings for volunteers to help man the church on Saturday 9th September for the Ride and Stride event. Literally just needed to man the refreshments and sign forms. I can’t do it all on my own! Any spare hour between 9am and 5pm would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Dawn Munnings - 01986 784206 




Hedge Maintenance Work Party

Trees planted in 2020 and 2021 along the Halesworth road as you go out of the village need a helping hand. We need to remove weeds and tree guards where appropriate.

If you would like to help , please turn up about 10am  on Sunday 27th August near the lay-by opposite the houses at the top of the hill going out of the village towards Halesworth. Your help would be much appreciated. Gardening gloves and shears would be useful.


Marie (07709923160)

 Bramfield Hall Open Gardens 3rd Sept 2023 2 5pm

Books wanted for bookstall at the above event please – only saleable books in good condition, which can be left in the Church porch for Anne Thomas to collect.



CHURCHES BIKE RIDE (Ride and Stride) 2023


Started in Suffolk 40 years ago the aim of the ride is to raise money to support the fabric of our historic churches. It does not go to the Church of England.


This year’s ride takes place on Saturday 9 September between 9 and 5; so get that bike out of the shed and pump up the tyres. It doesn’t matter how far you pedal or how many churches you visit - although there are many wonderful churches to visit and explore. It will do you good both physically and mentally.


I have sponsorship forms and lists of the churches that will be open and there are more in the church porch.


Dawn Munnings will be grateful for volunteers to welcome riders and walkers to the church.


Please contact me if you would like more information.

Chris Collins - 01986 784534 chris@chriscollins.co.uk







2023 07 18 Price of Fish 2

Sunday 10th August - Saturday 6th September, 2025

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