Bramfield St. Andrew's PCC would like to hold a Churchyard Clear Up on the afternoon of Sunday 27th October. Could any prospective volunteers please let Dawn Munnings know if they’re able to come. If it’s not a suitable date for everybody we’ll try again in November. 


St. Andrews, Bramfield Parochial Church Council.

“Your Church Needs You”!

Due to unforeseen circumstances our small band of council members has been reduced in numbers  and we are asking you, if you have any time to spare, to consider joining our team of volunteers to help keep our historical church going. You do not have to be a church-goer but if you have a sense of the importance of  community and would like to see the church open for future generations as a place of peace and sanctuary where services, christenings, weddings and funerals can be held to celebrate and to mourn  at life’s important  cross roads we would welcome you onboard.

As well as general members we do need  a committee to run our PCC : we hold lively meetings as well as fund raise so that we can maintain and run this ancient building and church yard, as well as donating to charity.

The important position of treasurer has become vacant as Helen has been advised by her doctors to give up this responsibility. As Dominic, our vicar, says we need someone who can add up, has time, patience, and common sense.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact Jinnie on 07780833450 or email us on:  standrewsbramfield@gmail.com

Thank you,

Jinnie, Church Warden.


The P.C.C. is looking for someone who would be willing to take over the job of treasurer.

Following the sad death of John Stevenson, together with Rachel and Clare leaving the village, we have lost two Church Wardens and the secretary to the P.C.C. We are fortunate to have recruited three new members, and we are feeling very positive about the future but we do need to look further afield for a treasurer. This is because I have been treasurer for several years but will now take on the Church Warden’s job if a new treasurer can be found.

The treasurer’s job primarily is to keep account of the incomings and outgoings of the Church finances, and to produce the end of year accounts in January. The job is not onerous, normally four or five hours per month.  You do not need to be an accountant as the system is very straight forward, neither do you need to be a regular churchgoer, but it would be appreciated if you would attend the P.C.C. meetings, which are held three or four times a year.

If you think you could help and spare the time, please get in touch with me by phone on 01502 478682, or by email at rwagamble@gmail.com


Thank you.

Robert Gamble.


St Andrew's Church
Walpole Road
IP19 9AB

St Andrews is part of the Blyth Valley Team


For most services the Book of Common Prayer is used.

1st Sunday in the month
Evensong 6.30pm around the Team

2nd Sunday in the month
At Bramfield 11.15am Eucharist (Common Worship)

3rd Sunday in the month
Morning prayer 11.15am

4th Sunday in the month
Holy Communion 11.15am

5th Sunday in the month
Team Service

See Blyth Valley Team Ministry web site


Team Rector Rev Edward Rennard. The Rectory, Highfield Road, Halesworth IP19 8SJ
Tel: 01986 872602 Mob: 07958 191975
email: edward.rennard@btinternet.com

Team Vicar Jan Bunday
email: jan@bunday.co.uk

Team Curate Jane Held

email: jane@janeheld.co.uk

Team Adminstrator Carolyn Clark
Tel: 01986 875941
email: office.bvtm@gmail.com

Church Wardens: Rachel Booth 0774 7617510

Church Treasurer: Robert Gamble Tel: 01502 478682

Churchyard Maintenance Fund
Copy of letter which has already been circulated to some people and a further opportunity is afforded to anyone who would like to support this fund


Every five years our architect carries out a comprehensive survey of the condition of the Church, both inside and out. The last survey was carried out in July 2011.

This highlighted repairs to the Chancel roof that needed doing within one to two years. Whilst the thatch itself on both sides of the Chancel roof should last another fifteen to twenty years, the ridge needs replacing, and the thatch requires repairing, re-dressing and combing and the moss removed.

The cost of this work has been estimated at £29,500.

In January of this year we submitted an application to the Government funded "Listed Places of Worship Roof Repair Fund" for a grant towards the cost of repairing the Chancel roof. We were very pleased to hear towards the end of last month that we had been successful in our bid, and we are to be awarded £24,600. Whilst this is extremely good news, there are other things in the quinquennial report that require attention apart from the roof. These works we are going to have to fund ourselves.

We will therefore be carrying out various fund raising activities during the course of the year, and investigating other sources of funding so that the necessary repairs can be carried out to keep our beautiful old Church in good condition.

Robert Gamble
Treasurer Bramfield P.C.C

Nadfas (National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies) have developed an excellent trail of discovery round St Andrew's Church. Brilliant for visitors with children who need entertaining while parents take in the interesting things to be seen in the church.

Have you counted the rabbits to be seen?
For History of the Church see History page.